
Critics lambast Biden administration’s tepid response amidst humanitarian crisis

As the Gaza conflict continues to escalate, the United States finds itself under intense scrutiny for its perceived complicity in enabling Israel’s military actions against Palestinians. Critics argue that the Biden administration’s stance marks a new low in U.S. foreign policy, particularly concerning its handling of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region.

The conflict, which has raged for over five months, has exacted a devastating toll on the Palestinian population, with over 32,000 fatalities, 70,000 injuries, and widespread displacement affecting more than 90% of Gaza’s residents. Despite mounting international pressure, it took the Biden administration over five months to allow a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire to pass. However, the U.S. abstained from voting and failed to take any substantive action to enforce the resolution.

Throughout the conflict, the Biden administration has faced criticism for its continued support of Israel, exemplified by its approval of over 100 military sales to the country. Even amid heightened concerns of an Israeli invasion of Gaza’s southern town of Rafah, Washington authorized further sales of weaponry to Israel, drawing condemnation from global observers.

The tepid response from the Biden administration stands in stark contrast to previous U.S. presidents who utilized significant pressure to influence Israeli decision-making during times of crisis. From Eisenhower’s threat to cut off aid during the Suez crisis to Carter’s pivotal role in the Camp David Agreement, past administrations have demonstrated a willingness to exert leverage for peace.

Despite domestic and international outcry, President Biden has maintained unwavering support for Israel, raising questions about his commitment to human rights and global stability. With the UN warning of an impending famine and widespread hunger in Gaza, calls for immediate action have grown louder.

Critics argue that the Biden administration must leverage its influence to demand an immediate ceasefire, increase humanitarian aid to Gaza, and halt all arms supplies to Israel if the conflict persists. Failure to act decisively, they warn, risks tarnishing the U.S.’s reputation as a champion of human rights and exacerbating the suffering of millions of Palestinians.

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