Anjali Arora, popularly known as the “Kaccha Badam Girl,” recently stirred up a storm on social media with rumors of her engagement. The internet went into a frenzy after Anjali shared a photo hinting at her secret engagement with her boyfriend, Akash.

In the photo shared on her official Instagram account, Anjali and Akash’s hands are seen adorned with rings, suggesting a romantic milestone in their relationship. Anjali’s caption further fueled speculation, as she hinted at an impending wedding.

However, it turns out that the engagement rumors were just a playful prank by Anjali. She cleared the air by sharing a new video, putting an end to the speculations surrounding her relationship status.

Anjali Arora’s engagement saga has captivated the attention of fans and followers, with many eagerly awaiting updates on her personal life. Despite the false alarm, Anjali’s photo and video have set the television industry abuzz, showcasing her immense popularity and influence.

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